Facilitation Academy is a non-formal educational program of the Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils since 2015. This program aims to provide supervised learning process for participants with relatively lack of experience in facilitating group learning processes. The Academy so far has hosted over 50 participants through two editionsand implemented one practice project also. The main concept is to provide useful and quality learning for those who are interested in designing non-formal education programs for young people but not having a chance to learn it elsewhere.
Aims of the Facilitation Academy vol.3 project are to provide opportunity through three residential trainings for participants to deal with group-leading, coordination, facilitation as processes. In order to reach these aims the trainings will foster the improvement of skills through the methods of non- formal and experiential learning. Each of the training have a specific topic that addressed and processed together. The main topic of the first training will be basic facilitation skills, the second’s will provide insights on how to ensure the quality of learning in different non-formal education programs. The focus of the third training will on the quality in logistics preparation and management.
After the three trainings the participants will have chance to carry out and implement a youth exchange about the topic of “Heroes”. Yet the topic is abstract, although it would take heroes as concept to tackle topics of participation, solidarity and responsibility. This international youth exchange will be an opportunity for participants of the Academy to deepen and enrich their theoretical experience gained during the project at a practical level.
The Facilitation Academy vol.3 project also aims to further deepen the cooperation between the partner organizations by actively involving their staff and professionals involved in the training in this process.
Participants will come from Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. The coordinator of the project is the Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils from Hungary.
The program is supported by the Erasmus+ Program.

- to create a training environment for participants where they can reflect on themselves in order to develop their competence to facilitate group learning processes
- to have a common understanding of what group dynamics is, group processes means and also to strengthen the importance of it
- to raise awareness about the preparation of international educational programs involving young people and develop competences linked with it
- to show some examples about facilitation skills by using different techniques and methods
- to provide tools and methods and possibility to develop skills to support participant’s learning processes (graphic facilitation, self-directed learning, challenging situation in groups etc)

Udruga za razvoj zajednice KREAKTIVA (Croatia)
Associazione culturale Eufemia aps
Baltijas Regionalais Fonds
Associação Nó Górdio
Európsky Dialóg
Amigos de Europa

Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils (FCYMC) is a Hungarian national NGO. Our target groups are the affected members of the youth profession, primarily youth workers, volunteers, local municipalities, and the leaders and active members of the youth communities. For them we provide the opportunity for participation in developing programs which aims to create a deeper and more regular dialogue – typically at the local level- between the actors, to increase cooperation, and to recognise the benefits of collective thinking and work, both individually and at a social level.Through the use of typically nonformal learning methods and a wide range of national and international programmes, we can contribute not only to individual and community development, but also to the local attachment of young people and thus to the sustainability of local communities. Our activities give young people directly involved a taste of the joys and challenges of discussing, planning, implementing and evaluating activities together. We provide professional and methodological support for adults who are empowered to make decisions about their profession and their age group, so that they can benefit from the advantages of participation processes prepared, decided, implemented and evaluated together with young people, bridging any difficulties and generational differences that may arise. Our programmes offer a wide range of national and international opportunities for our target group, and we organise both national and international programmes (youth exchanges, training, conferences, etc.). In recent years, we have become increasingly aware of the need to plan and implement our cooperation activities in order to provide those working in the field with new information and methods that are up-to-date and relevant to the challenges of today’s modern world, including theoretical background. The Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils currently has a professional network of children’s and youth municipalities and youth associations (nearly 30 settlements), from municipalities committed to youth work (more than 20 settlements) and numerous local and regional youth organizations, with whom we have strong partnerships.

Youth workers and youth work practitioners who are:
– at least 18 years old (preferably up to 25)
– keen to develop their skills in facilitation and delivering pedagogical content in English
– interested to learn about how to raise the quality of the youth programs
– has minimal experience in youth work or familiar with the youth work context
– motivated & able to use the experience of the project to use their daily work
– would like to take part in the communication of the project and/or to take part on the youth exchange as an organiser at the end of the project.
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