“Associazione Culturale Eufemia APS is an association for social promotion and social gathering established in 2010. We are a team of youth workers focused on youth international learning mobilities, social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, promoting active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. Our work is directed towards lifelong learning, sustainability and development of digital skills, using methodologies such as: non-formal education, peer to peer education and learning by doing. In order to achieve that, we develop educational programs in European context (especially in the field of Youth within the Erasmus+ and ESC program), as well as collaborations with local partners. You can find out more on our website http://www.eufemia.eu/en/ or FB page https://www.facebook.com/AssociazioneEufemia/.”

European Dialogue is a civic association founded to promote professional media and art, quality youth work, media literacy, and active citizenship in Slovakia and abroad. The activities of the organisation are targeted at young journalists and other media makers, artists, youth workers, and young people, especially those who face lack of opportunities or haven’t been active in the public sphere yet. European Dialogue’s activities are based on four pillars: facilitating and encouraging quality media and artistic activities; putting emphasis on accuracy, transparency, social responsibility, innovativeness, and dialogue; providing opportunities to acquire new competences and contribute to a positive change; and facilitating connections and collaboration in Slovakia and Europe.
European Dialogue is delighted to be a partner of the third edition of the Facilitation Academy. This project will help youth workers from Slovakia to gain or improve their competences which they will use not only during activities of European Dialogue but also their whole professional career, thereby providing new quality youth work activities.

Association for community development KREAKTIVA was founded in order to improve and advance the status and quality of life for youth in the community and other members of vulnerable groups in our local communities. Mostly we are trying to work with unemployed youth and other groups in order to improve the quality of life in our region. Providing support to community development through capacity building of each individual practical application of modern methods, to strengthen the capacity of non-profit, for-profit and public sectors on the basis of cooperation and partnership in the development of different services on a local, national and international level and to establish good cooperation and linking different sectors in order to develop civil society as a whole.
We implement activities and projects which enable young people to strengthen their capacities and capabilities for future life. WE work mostly in the field of active citizenship, raising digital skills (programming, micro:bits, 3D printing) and competences, creativity and active youth participation and community building. The Target group includes young people from 16-30 years of age. As individuals and a group we try to support young people in their attempts to keep their motivation, to develop their competences and to have a wide scope of possibilities at their disposal.

The Nó Górdio Association was founded in 2015. We are located in the North of Portugal, in Porto. The main objective of the association is to provide moral, cultural and material services to people and groups in need, developing activities to protect children, young people, the elderly, the family and the community in general, seeking their well-being through solidarity and help. We seek to provide our participants with transforming and meaningful experiences in their lives. We promote the exchange and cooperation with national and foreign associations and institutions that pursue objectives identical to those of the association.

“Baltic Regional fund” is a non-governmental organization and foundation, supporting social and intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and cultural exchange among young people and adults The organization is located in Riga but the foundation organizes regular activities in the whole of Latvia as well as collaborating on a European level, implementing educational projects. Foundation target groups are children, youth, students, adults and especially groups of social risk – early school leavers, migrants, and unemployed.
Organization’s activities: Project work, seminars, training courses and consulting, and online TV. The Baltic Regional fund focusses especially on training business skills, project management, ICT instruments, leadership, team building, communication, active participation, intercultural skills, etc. The foundation is also involved in social integration projects in areas such as education and integration into the Latvian society.
The organization members are youth, students, teachers, academics, and socially active persons. The members are very active, professionally experienced, highly educated, well-motivated, and socially active persons, and all are dedicated to the improvement of educational systems, as well as in enhancing personal skills. The members of the foundation are also participating in policy-making processes between the public sector and NGO’s in Latvia.

Amigos de Europa is an experienced organization from Andalusia. We were founded with the only goal to support the development of our youngsters and people coming from rural areas of Andalusia. Consequently, we were involved in many projects and we started to grown even if the growment of the organization was no our aim.
In this sense, we can say that we became a reference about the european and international projects in our region.
Nowadays, Amigos de Europa is a big umbrella organization or informal network which include more than 30 municipalities, sport clubs, NGO with different backgrounds, schools… So Amigos de Europa is more than NGO, is a movement in Andalusia, and we became a movement thanks to the international partner which trusted us and to the spanish organizations which were involved with us in the projects.
Recently we got the youth accreditation for the new Erasmus + programme.